DC Day Trip, Sunflowers Along the Potomac

Thousands of vibrant sunflowers bloom every summer along the Potomac River in Maryland, only 20 miles from Washington DC. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources plants 30 acres of sunflowers in the McKee-Beshers Wildlife Management Area every year. The main purpose is to attract birds, but the bright yellow blooms also attract photographers, artists and tourists.

There are nine sunflower fields this year.  The largest and most popular is the first you reach along River Road.

Luckily the sunflowers are so tall that they hide the crowds.

So many sunflowers!

It’s less crowded the the further you walk.

The fields reach their peak at different times so some of the flowers will peak next weekend.

It’s hard to believe that this place is less than an hour from the DC.

It is really a magical place.

The butterflies are happy.

The bees are happy.

The sunflowers are happy.

Wait, did you catch that?

My husband spotted this smiley face in the middle of thousands of flowers.

If you live in the DC area, you still have a chance to visit.  There are still some late bloomers getting ready to peak next weekend!


McKee Beshers is most easily reached by car.  From I-495, take Exit 39 to River Road toward Potomac.  The Wildlife Management Area is about 13.5 miles down River Road.  During the sunflower peak, the main sunflower fields are marked by sudden appearance of cars parked along river road around the small parking area.  To enter, walk into the small gravel parking area and go around the yellow gate.

To reach the other sunflower fields, make a left during the very rough and narrow Hunting Quarter Road.  The last parking area before reaching Hughes Road will lead you to a path that crosses several sunflower fields.  Consult this McKee-Beshers 2017 Sunflower Map.

3 Responses to “DC Day Trip, Sunflowers Along the Potomac

  • Gwendolyn w Gibson
    8 years ago

    Beautiful! Sunflowers remind me of my childhood.

  • Victoria
    6 years ago

    Next summer my mission is to find a field of sunflowers. Thank you for the inspiration!

    • Thanks Victoria. I hope you find one, or come visit so we can go to this one!

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